Women’s Health and the Menopause in the workplace
This week we recorded another successful webinar at our Latus Group headquarters, this time discussing Women’s Health and Menopause in the Workplace.
Joining us to host the webinar was Dr Sophie Newton, a full time GP in Halifax and youtuber who was resident GP on Steph’s Packed Lunch (Channel 4) and has featured on Good Morning Britain (ITV)
If you missed it, watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSdq7h4nhBs
The webinar kicked off with a personal intro from our CEO Jack Latus, then Sophie took the floor and presented a 45 minute engaging and informative presentation.
Davinia then joined Sophie at the end for a 15 minute Q&A to answer attendees’ questions and delve a little deeper into the topic.
Women’s health and the Menopause is such an important topic, not only to open the discussion and break stigmas, but to also raise awareness to both women and men.
During this particular webinar we focused on Menopause in the workplace, delving into how the menopause can affect working women and how to support and navigate menopause in the workplace.
1 in 10 women leave a job due to women’s health related issues or the menopause
Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce. There are currently 4.5 million women aged 50-64 in employment, and almost eight out of ten of menopausal women are in work.
Studies show that 1 in 10 women choose to leave a job due to menopause. 47% of women who needed to take a day off work due to menopause symptoms said they wouldn’t tell their employer the real reason.
These figures are really eye-opening and it’s something that workplaces need to improve to support menopausal women and aid them in navigating menopause in the best possible way.
45% of women say they feel their menopause symptoms have had a negative impact on their work
Women who are struggling with menopause symptoms tend to cut back on their hours, forego promotions, take sick days and eventually leave. That leads them to damage their career and means businesses losing high-performing, invaluable and talented women from their workforce.
So how can we reduce the impacts of menopause on working women in the workplace?
Firstly, recognising this challenge and offering support is essential. Understanding it, discussing it, making reasonable adjustments and using company resources.
Some companies offer wellness guidance via online videos, line manager training, and have women’s support networks and ‘menopause champions’. You can speak to your HR department and ask for a management referral to Latus Group. As an occupational health provider, we can support you and your business with a care pathway.
How can you improve your office environment for Women’s Health and the Menopause in the workplace?
How to make reasonable adjustments
- Hot Flushes: Try cooling the environment, open windows, use air con or desk fans, make sure there is easy access to cold drinking water.
- Brain Fog: Encourage colleagues to discuss concerns and voice their symptoms so peers are aware. Identify if there are any triggers and discuss adjustments you can make to their tasks and duties that support them better.
- Sleep Disruption: Allow for short term absence if they’ve had a difficult night. Consider changes in work shifts to allow for respite. Discuss flexible working arrangements or working for home.
- Headaches and Fatigue: Consider a temporary adjustment to their work duties, provide a quiet area to work, allow regular breaks and working from home if struggling to work at their desk. Consider working with overhead artificial lights off to allow natural light lit rooms.
Dr Sophie Newton
Dr Sophie regularly posts videos on her youtube and instagram accounts covering all topics of health and wellbeing so make sure to follow her on @drsophiegp
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