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Workplace Vaccinations & Immunisations

Employers should never underestimate the impact a virus can have on their workforce and their business. Outbreaks start with one person and can quickly have a major impact on teams.

Early vaccination will help you protect yourselves, your employees and their loved ones. Our employee vaccination service is available across the UK and all nurses are specialists in vaccine administration and are fully qualified.

Vaccinations & Immunisations Available

  • Flu
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid


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Workplace Vaccinations 

On-Site Flu Vaccines

  • Our nurses are specialists in vaccine administration & fully qualified
  • Our nurses available to deliver vaccinations across the UK
  • Nurses can administer 60 flu vaccinations per half day (120 per day)
  • Protecting your staff in your office environment for convenience and comfort
  • Reduce staff absenteeism and illness
woman in black crew neck t-shirt wearing white face mask

Flu Vouchers

  • Vouchers can be redeemed in a large number of pharmacies across the UK
  • Vaccines administered in own time for convenience
  • Can be delivered as Digital Vouchers or Physical/Paper Vouchers
  • Reduce staff absenteeism and illness
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Hepatitis B is a virus that can attack the liver causing significant ill health. Hepatitis B is spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluid. Whilst uncommon in the UK, there are still risks and this includes from sources which many individuals are unaware of, such as tattooing if the equipment used is not sterile.

For individuals who are exposed to these body fluids through work or pleasure or who are travelling to countries where Hepatitis B is more prevalent, such as Africa, we recommend that you are vaccinated against this if not already had these as part of your childhood immunisations.

This preventative treatment involves 3 vaccinations over a 6-month period, followed by an immunity check to ensure that you do have immunity. If you do not, a fourth vaccination would need to be given.

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Hepatitis A is an infection that is spread through faeces and affects the liver. Whilst not common in the UK and not routinely vaccinated against, it is more prevalent in African, Asian, South American and Middle East continents.

You can get Hepatitis A through drinking contaminated water, easting food that has been washed or grown in contaminated water, eating food that has been touched by a contaminated individual, close contact with an infected individual such as sexual contact or sharing used needles.

Therefore, if you are travelling to one of the continents mentioned above or have a lifestyle or job which increases your level of risk, we would recommend that you get protected through vaccination. The vaccination consists of a one-off injection into the upper arm.

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Our other Services:

Workplace Testing
& Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Occupational Health Services & Support

LATUS empowers businesses to think about improving employee health at work, not preserving it. We believe that the best businesses put employee well-being and health first.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Fitness For Work Health Assessments

Ensuring that your team’s working environment is free from any health and safety risks should be a top priority for business owners and managers alike.


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