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MSK Musculoskeletal Health Surveillance

Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders include any injury or disease relating to joints, bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, accounting for up to 28% of all work-related ill health conditions.

MSK conditions can have a real impact upon an employee’s health, their ability to complete roles and duties and may be made worse with certain tasks. At Latus Health, we aim to support employers in understanding MSK conditions and the impact upon employees and supporting employees in managing their MSK condition.

MSK conditions may include overuse injuries such as lateral epicondylitis (commonly referred to as tennis elbow) and Sub acromial shoulder pain (commonly referred to a Shoulder impingement). Degenerative conditions such as Osteoarthritis which affects all joints, most commonly knees and hips are also classed as a MSK condition.


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Health Surveillance MSK Musculoskeletal:

Work Related Musculoskeletal (MSK) Conditions

Prevention – Many work-related MSK conditions can be prevented. This may involve implementing risk assessments regularly, improving communication between employers and employees to report any experienced MSK pain as soon as possible and increased awareness of any roles or areas with a high rate of MSK related absences.

Advice – Latus Health can provide advice to employees on how to manage their MSK condition and information to employers on potential contributory factors that may affect MSK conditions.

Adjustments to Workplace – Workplace factors such as working positions and postures can influence MSK conditions. Assessment and alterations to working environments can help prevent MSK conditions by reducing mechanical load and strain.

Adjustments to Roles – Temporary or Long-term adjustments to roles can help employees manage their MSK condition whilst at work, help avoid potential aggravators and help reduce development of MSK conditions in the workplace.

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Musculoskeletal (MSD) Online Assessment Tool from HSE

This tool combines the MSD assessment guides MAC, ART and RAPP. Employers and safety representatives can use it to assess the risks posed by physical, strenuous activities. The assessor can then understand, interpret, categorise and communicate the level of risk.

Musculoskeletal (MSD) Online Assessment Tool

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Our other Services:

Workplace Testing
& Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Occupational Health Services & Support

LATUS empowers businesses to think about improving employee health at work, not preserving it. We believe that the best businesses put employee well-being and health first.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Fitness For Work Health Assessments

Ensuring that your team’s working environment is free from any health and safety risks should be a top priority for business owners and managers alike.


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