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things managers can do to be more confident in supporting employees mental health

It’s fair to say that knowing how to approach employee mental health support in the workplace, in a considerate and effective way, can be a minefield. There are a number of things that managers can do to become more confident in supporting their employees mental health, as our free infographic shows.


Knowledge – Ensure you have the correct knowledge when it comes to the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems

Train – Don’t be afraid to brush up on your mental health training to expand and increase your knowledge

Feedback – Get feedback from staff on how they are feeling and how you could better support them.

Check In – Regularly check in with your team and ask them how they are doing

Practice – Role play difficult conversations so when they come around, you’re prepared to ask the right questions and support staff who could be experiencing challenges

Team Up – Look to other managers for support; they know the ins and outs of your job and can support you best

Coping Skills – Research and develop coping tactics that you can suggest to your team or colleagues

Action Plans – Work through wellness action plans with your team so you can see where they need additional help and support

Support – Make sure you have the right support in place and know where to direct colleagues when they need additional help


If you found this useful, why not check out our other free Workplace Wellbeing Downloads available here.