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Do you have Snacking on the Brain?

The brain requires energy to work, like the rest of your body if there’s no energy source provided then your body simply can’t function. We experience issues with a lack of an ability to concentrate or focus. Here are 10 healthy suggestions for snacking you can apply to your diet to improve your focus and up that brain function.

  1. Whole-grains

These are low-GI so the energy from these will be released slowly throughout the day keeping us mentally alert, if wholegrain isn’t specifically available then opt for ‘brown’ with breads, rice and pasta.

  1. Oily Fish

Our bodies can’t make essential fatty acids, so we have no option but find them in food. These are a must in helping with brain function, the heart, joints and our general wellbeing. Any oily fish will do, for example salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards or kippers. If through your diet your can’t or choose not to eat fish then you can still get essential fatty acids from flaxseed, soya beans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and their oil forms.

  1. Blueberries

Nutritional research has found a link between the consumption of blueberries and improving short term memory loss. Blueberries are the easiest to source but you can also see benefits in other dark red and purple fruits and vegetables like blackberries and red cabbage as these all contain a compound called anthocyanins.

  1. Tomatoes

There is a strong volume of evidence suggesting a compound known as lycopene which is found in tomatoes can help protect cells against free radicals which cause cell damage.

  1. Eggs

A study conducted on a group of elderly patients over 2 years found evidence that high doses of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid (all found in high quantities in eggs) can significantly lessen brain shrinkage. The egg yolk in particular contains choline which is essential for supporting the memory boosting chemical, acetylcholine.

  1. Blackcurrants

There’s lots of research which suggests vitamin C which is most potent in blackcurrants may improve mental agility. However some research is beginning to suggest vitamin C can also be useful in managing anxiety and stress. You can also supplement this with red peppers and citrus fruits.

  1. Pumpkin Seeds

Rich in zinc, pumpkin seeds can be exceptionally beneficial for enhancing memory and thinking skills. Whilst also containing magnesium which helps improve the good mood chemical serotonin.

  1. Broccoli

Packed with vitamin K, this enhances cognitive function and improves brain power. Compounds within broccoli can slow the breakdown of acetylcholine which allows us to keep our brains performing properly and keep our memory sharp.

  1. Sage

Sage has been recognised as having some significant effect on improving memory and concentration, but most of the research is sage as an oil, so there’s no harm in adding sage to your meals for some added benefit.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are well known as a brain food and that’s due to the volumes of vitamin E which supports against the decline of cognitive function.