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Mental Health, Physio & GP

Support employees health and reduce absenteeism with counselling, physio and GP appointments.

Mental health, bereavement counselling, financial & legal support.

Omnichannel, 24/7 access to the highest quality clinical support for emotional issues and expert guidance for practical issues to ensure patients feel heard and empowered to improve their mental wellbeing. ​ Includes a confidential support service to assist patients and their immediate dependents, with personal or work-related problems. ​

A comprehensive mental health offering, sitting within a wider health ecosystem with referrals across different services; one quality and governance framework as well as access to one patient record.


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Physiotherapy & Online GP


Physio and rehabilitation on demand. Niggles, strains and pains – Get them diagnosed and a treatment plan straight away.​​

How It Works:

1 – Complete assessment​
2 – Get diagnosis from physio​
3 – Receive programme​
4 – Begin rehabilitation ​
5 – Feedback every session from physio

Online GP

Speak to a GP, anytime, anywhere, for medical advice, prescriptions, acute treatment & diagnosis​.

Our dedicated customer service team takes the patients details allowing the patient to book online within minutes, with an appointment within 4 hours.

Pre-Placement Questionnaires | LATUS

Our other Services:

Pre-Placement Health Screening and Exit Medicals

A New Starter Declaration is completed after Pre-Placement Health Screening is undertaken, prior to an employee taking on a new role.

Drug & Alcohol Screening

A company’s drug & alcohol policy is an essential tool with regards to the potential misuse of these substances. Latus health are able to provide efficient screening services that detect all major substances of abuse.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Workplace Mental Health Support

Mental Health Qualifications – Train your teams to ensure compliance and provide care & support to employees when they require it.


Book a Meeting with our Occupational Health Professionals TODAY!

Latus is revolutionising occupational health and employee wellbeing.
Integrated healthcare and wellbeing support for every employee, providing the care you need, when and wherever you need it.